The shadows rise once more. The second edition of UNDERGROUND FOR THE MASSES is here to devour your soul, and we’ve summoned an unholy alliance of black metal supremacy to ensure you’re left in ruins. From the frostbitten depths of Finland to the infernal pits of France, these bands are deliverin
The shadows rise once more. The second edition of UNDERGROUND FOR THE MASSES is here to devour your soul, and we’ve summoned an unholy alliance of black metal supremacy to ensure you’re left in ruins. From the frostbitten depths of Finland to the infernal pits of France, these bands are delivering chaos, carnage, and unfiltered darkness straight to your core.
Final lineup:
Archgoat Official
UNGOD Baxaxaxa
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
Dymna Lotva
Black Altar
Black Mass Pervertor
Presented by Din Întunerec
Supported by Quantic
Artwork by Nexion Arts and Anca Kivart
And as the music rages, NecrosHorns —master of black metal's most iconic visuals—will plunge you into the very heart of the underground with an exhibition that brings the darkness to life.
Unul dintre cele mai notabile turnee din sfera prog metal/rock ajunge si la Bucuresti! Klone si Kingcrow vor concerta pe 2 mai in Quantic Club.
Klone – progressive metal/rock, Franta Stagnarea este un termen care nu exista pentru art rockerii francezi de la Klone. Stilul lor de metal pro
Unul dintre cele mai notabile turnee din sfera prog metal/rock ajunge si la Bucuresti! Klone si Kingcrow vor concerta pe 2 mai in Quantic Club.
Klone – progressive metal/rock, Franta Stagnarea este un termen care nu exista pentru art rockerii francezi de la Klone. Stilul lor de metal progresiv cu groove avanseaza de la an la an.
Kingcrow – progressive metal, Italia Trupa a fost fondata initial la Roma, Italia, de fratii Diego Cafolla (chitara) si Manuel Thundra Cafolla (tobe) sub numele „Earth Shaker”. Inspirati de poemul „Corbul” al lui Edgar Allan Poe si condusi de dorinta de schimbare, numele trupei a fost rapid modificat in Kingcrow si au fost inregistrate cateva demo-uri/albume auto-produs sub noua titulatura, Kingcrow: Something Unknown (2001), Insider (2004) si Timetropia (2006).